For those of you who aren't interested in my rabblings. You can watch my Youtube unboxing at <3 I'm the type of person who can't sleep at night. I also love spending money. So how does those two correlate? Well I online shop at 5am in the morning. I saw several Australian beauty gurus unboxing their Lust Have It boxes. The first box only cost $4.95? Well sign me up! So I bought this on the 10th of September and it arrived on the 15th. However this was the August box and not the September one. No biggie since it's less than $5.
When I ripped off the packaging. My heart sank because it was the August stuff I had seen in several videos. T_T
The website ( makes quite a big deal about this hair product. I've never been much of a hair junkie. So I do not and will not care for it. Sorry to anybody who loves this product. I'm going to give it to my mum. However if you've used this product please let me know if it's good.
The back/labels and ingredients etc.
I like wipes. So more wipes the better. I actually used one to wipe off my makeup today. The scent wasn't too strong which I like. The scent I got was the Aloe Vera + Cucumber. ^_^
Mask. Which I'll use on my arms first before it goes anywhere near my face. Last time I had a really bad allergic reactions due to my hyper sensitive skin. I'll update on this one when I get the chance to use it on my face.
Brush brush brush. I've got a few of these. So won't be opening this one for a while.
Assorted discount codes and cards for other subscriptions. Which, I do not, care for. (Sorry but not sorry)
My favourite remover. It's actually great for travelling so this is a plus for me.
The overview of the LustHaveIt box for August? September? 2014.
Verdict? $4.95 yes $25 no.
I know if you add up the products altogether it would exceed the $25 limit. But I honestly do not care much for these products. I'd rather invest $$ on another MeMebox than this. If you want my honest opinion. I'm not being paid to say this. However with subscription based stuff it's expected to have new items you've never tried before. I will try my best to use these items and try not to be toooooo critical with them. For no I'll be canceling my subscription since I'm broke. And I got a piles upon piles of un-opened makeup/skin care product.
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Ricebulb or Chocomagii
Lola ♡
Ricebulb or Chocomagii
Lola ♡