Friday 23 May 2014

Tamagotchi Friends - Digital Friend

Yes, I bought yet another Tamagotchi. 

It was kind of unnerving ordering from because I did it without reading a single review. I just impulse bought one. It finally came (today) after 2 weeks! 

I got myself the blue one. (Since it cost an additional $5 for the purple one, wtf? ) No, this is not a coloured Tama. It's one of the newest classical style Tamagotchis. Honestly, not much of a difference. The only thing that's "special" is the fact you can connect with your phone. Yes, same with the coloured ones.

Back view. I never pay attention to these things but here loooool!

A closer look after you open the flap in the front.

The flap. Yay stupid damn purple one why are you $5 more.

The overview 

After ripping into the packaging. And tadah! 

When I saw this my heart sank. WHY DO YOU HAVE A SCREW. THE COLOURED ONES DIDNT HAVE ONE ZOMG. Then I had to look for a minature screwdriver and batteries. Because they don't supply those kind of stuff anymore. (My coloured ones had everything then again it cost a lot A LOT more) 

I ripped out one of my coloured tama because I didn't have the right batteries for it. Just to see if it worked (I'll buy the battery tomorrow) it was typical traditional tamagotchis with small changes here and there. One plus side to this: I can read / know what's going on. Haha

Verdict: although it's not a money pit compared to the coloured Tamagotchis. My advice is "go big or go home". I much prefer the coloured ones for design/asethetical/practical reason. It's $20, so you can't expect much from it. Tbh, id rather buy a plate of good food instead. 


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